Having a website is essential for reaching out to your customers and growing your brand. However, having a website is not enough – it must be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and up-to-date to attract and retain customers. If your website looks outdated, it’s time to consider a new website. In this article, I will discuss the signs that your website needs a revamp, the benefits, the website redesign process, why WordPress is a great platform for your redesign, why you should choose Metal Potato.

Signs that your website needs a redesign

The first step in the process is to determine whether your website needs a redesign. Here are some signs to look out for:

1. Your website looks outdated: If your website looks like it was created in the 90s, it’s time to pay it some attention. Your website should reflect your brand and be visually appealing to attract customers.

2. Your website is not mobile-friendly: With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. If your website is not optimised for mobile devices, you could be losing potential customers.

3. Your website is slow to load: A slow-loading website can be frustrating for users and lead to high bounce rates. If your website takes more than a few seconds to load, it’s time for a redesign.

4. Your website is difficult to navigate: Your website should be easy to navigate, with clear calls to action. If users have a hard time finding what they’re looking for, they may leave your website and go to a competitor.

Benefits of redesign

A website revamp can provide several benefits for your business, such as:

1. Improved user experience: A new website can improve the user experience by making your website more visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly.

2. Increased traffic and conversions: A visually appealing and user-friendly website can attract more traffic and lead to increased conversions.

3. Improved search engine optimisation: A website redesign can improve your search engine optimisation by making your website more search engine friendly, which can lead to higher rankings in search engine results pages.

4. Improved brand image: A website can improve your brand image by making your website look more professional and modern, which can lead to increased trust from customers.

Website redesign process

The website redesign process involves several steps, including:

1. Define your goals: Before starting the redesign process, you should define your goals. What do you want to achieve with the redesign? Do you want to increase traffic, improve conversions, or improve user experience?

2. Conduct a website audit: A website audit involves analysing your current website to identify areas that need improvement. This can include analysing website traffic, user behavior, and website design.

3. Develop a redesign plan: Based on the results of the website audit, you can develop a plan that includes changes to the website design, content, and functionality.

4. Design and create the website design: The website design involves creating a new website layout, colour scheme, and typography. The website design should be visually appealing and reflect your brand.

5. Develop website functionality: The website functionality involves developing features such as navigation, search, and forms. The website functionality should be user-friendly and easy to use.

6. Test and launch the website: Before launching the website, it should be tested to ensure that it functions properly and is user-friendly. Once the website is tested, it can be launched.

Choosing the right platform – why WordPress is a great option

When choosing a platform for your website redesign, it’s important to consider factors such as ease of use, flexibility, and scalability. WordPress is a great option as it offers several benefits, such as:

1. Ease of use: WordPress is easy to use and does not require technical skills to manage. You can easily add, edit, and delete content and manage your website without the need for a web developer.

2. Flexibility: WordPress is flexible and can be customised to meet your website’s needs. You can choose from thousands of themes and plugins to add functionality to your website.

3. Scalability: WordPress is scalable and can handle large amounts of traffic and content. As your business grows, your website can grow with it.

Why you should choose Metal Potato for your redesign

Metal Potato is a website development and design agency that specialises in WordPress website redesign. Here are some reasons why you should choose Metal Potato:

1. Experience: Metal Potato has 20+ years of experience in website design and development, with a team of professionals who are skilled in WordPress web design. Our promise to you is that we’ll help launch your website on message, on time, and on budget. Let’s do launch!

2. Customisation: Metal Potato offers customised WordPress themes and plugins to meet your website’s needs.

3. Support: Metal Potato offers ongoing support and maintenance for your website to ensure that it remains up-to-date and secure.

Measuring success

Measuring the success of your website involves analysing website metrics such as traffic, conversions, bounce rates, and search engine rankings. By tracking these metrics, you can determine whether your website redesign was successful and identify areas that need improvement.


A website redesign can provide several benefits for your business, such as improved user experience, increased traffic and conversions, improved search engine optimisation, and improved brand image. When choosing a platform for your redesign, WordPress is a great option due to its ease of use, flexibility, and scalability. Metal Potato is a website development and design agency that specialises in WordPress website redesign and can provide customised themes and plugins to meet your website’s needs.

Click here to learn more about Metal Potato, or why not reach out to our team for a free quote, and we’ll reach back with your answer.