WordPress has become the go-to choice for many successful businesses, both large and small, for their website needs. With a market share of 59.4% and powering 32.2% of websites on the internet, it’s clear that there must be some incredible benefits to using this content management system (CMS). In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons why successful businesses are switching to WordPress, and why you should consider doing the same for your website design project.

1. Flexibility and scalability


One of the main reasons businesses choose WordPress is its flexibility. WordPress can be easily customised, allowing businesses to create unique websites tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility means that WordPress can be used for a wide range of purposes, from simple blogs to complex eCommerce sites, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes and across various industries.


As your business grows, your website needs to be able to grow with it. WordPress is highly scalable, which means it can easily accommodate an increasing number of pages or sections without any negative impact on website performance. This is a crucial factor for businesses that want to expand their online presence without worrying about outgrowing their website.

2. Wide range of customisation tools

Design customisation

WordPress offers a vast selection of themes and templates, allowing businesses to create eye-catching and professional-looking websites without needing advanced design skills. Many of these themes are fully responsive, meaning they will adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Functionality customisation

WordPress boasts a library of nearly 60,000 trusted plugins, which can be easily installed to add new features and capabilities to your website. These plugins cover a wide range of functionalities, including analytics, SEO, user tracking, GDPR compliance, and much more. This extensive range of customisation tools enables businesses to create a website that caters to their specific needs and industry requirements.

3. Exceptional security for administrators and end users

Secure CMS

In today’s digital world, security is of paramount importance. WordPress is known for its high level of security, which helps protect both administrators and end-users from cyberattacks, hacking, and fraud. When properly maintained and configured, WordPress websites are far more secure than many other CMS solutions available today.

Managed hosting

Another key aspect of WordPress security is the use of managed hosting services. Managed WordPress hosts monitor their customers’ websites 24/7, ensuring that businesses can focus on their core operations without worrying about potential cyber threats. This level of security is essential for businesses of all sizes, as any security breach can result in significant financial losses and damage to a company’s reputation.

Metal Potato provides a dedicated managed WordPress hosting service known as Potato Care, designed to optimise the performance of your website. Our expert team ensures that your website operates at its peak efficiency, offering technical support and regular backups to address any potential issues that may arise. With Potato Care, your website will always be in capable hands, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

4. SEO-friendliness

Built-in SEO features

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is crucial for businesses that want to improve their online visibility and attract more customers. WordPress is known for its built-in SEO features, which make it easy for businesses to optimise their websites for search engines. This includes options for customising page titles, meta descriptions, and URL structures, all of which can help improve your website’s search engine rankings.

SEO plugins

In addition to its built-in SEO features, WordPress also offers a range of SEO plugins, such as Yoast SEO, which provide even more in-depth optimisation options. These plugins can help businesses analyse and optimise their content, making it more likely to rank highly on search engine results pages.

5. User-friendly interface

Easy content management

WordPress is renowned for its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for even those with limited technical knowledge to manage their website’s content. The intuitive dashboard and straightforward editing tools mean that businesses can quickly and easily update their website without requiring the assistance of a developer or web designer.


WordPress is designed to be accessible to users of all abilities, with features such as keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and customisable font sizes. This focus on accessibility ensures that businesses can reach a wider audience and cater to the needs of all their customers.

6. Cost-effective solution

Free to use

WordPress offers a highly enticing feature that sets it apart: complete freedom of usage without any cost. This remarkable attribute makes it an irresistible choice for businesses aiming to keep expenses at a minimum while reaping the advantages of an expertly crafted, top-notch website.

Affordable add-ons

While the core WordPress software is free, businesses may choose to invest in premium themes, plugins, or hosting services to further enhance their website. However, these add-ons are generally more affordable than other CMS solutions, making WordPress an economical choice for businesses of all sizes.

7. Strong community support

Active developer community

WordPress has a large and active developer community, which means that the platform is continually being updated and improved. This ensures that businesses using WordPress can always access the latest features and functionalities, as well as benefit from a substantial pool of resources, such as tutorials and forums, to help them get the most out of their website.

Regular updates and bug fixes

The active developer community also means that WordPress is regularly updated with bug fixes and security patches, helping businesses maintain a secure and stable website. This level of ongoing support is essential for businesses that want to ensure their website remains up-to-date and protected from potential threats.

8. eCommerce capabilities

Integration with WooCommerce

For businesses looking to sell products or services online, WordPress offers seamless integration with WooCommerce, a powerful and flexible eCommerce platform. WooCommerce enables businesses to easily set up an online store, manage inventory, process payments, and handle shipping, all within the familiar WordPress interface.

Wide range of eCommerce plugins

In addition to WooCommerce, WordPress offers a variety of other plugins, such as Easy Digital Downloads and WP eCommerce. These plugins can help businesses create a customised online store that meets their specific needs, whether they’re selling physical products, digital downloads, or subscription services.

Pro tip: Don’t forget to explore our article about the The 8 Best WooCommerce Plugins to achieve success.

9. Multilingual Options

Built-in language support

With businesses increasingly operating on a global scale, it’s vital to have a website that can cater to a diverse audience. WordPress offers built-in support for over 70 languages, making it easier for businesses to create a multilingual website that can reach customers worldwide.

Multilingual plugins

WordPress also offers a range of multilingual plugins, such as WPML and Polylang, which can help businesses create a fully translated website that caters to multiple language preferences. These plugins can help businesses break down language barriers and expand their reach to international markets.

Make the switch to WordPress with our expert help

Now that you understand the incredible benefits of using WordPress for your business website, it’s time to make the switch. Metal Potato specialises in creating stunning, high-performing WordPress websites that can help your business thrive online.

Reach out to Metal Potato today and discover the ways we can support you.