Choosing the right colour scheme for your website is a crucial step in creating an impactful online presence. The colours you select can greatly influence how visitors perceive your brand, navigate your site, and engage with your content. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fundamentals of website colour schemes, discuss the importance of colour psychology, and provide you with a step-by-step process to choose the perfect colours for your business website.

Why website colour schemes matter

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of selecting a website colour scheme, let’s first understand why it matters in the first place. The colours you choose for your website can have a profound impact on various aspects of your online presence, including:

1. Brand identity and recognition

Your website colour scheme plays a crucial role in establishing and reinforcing your brand identity. Consistency in colour usage across your website, marketing materials, and brand assets creates a strong visual association with your brand. Think of iconic brands like Coca-Cola with its vibrant red or Starbucks with its distinctive green. Consistency in colour helps customers easily recognise and remember your brand.

2. User experience

Colour choice directly influences the overall user experience of your website. The right colours can enhance the legibility of your content, guide users through your site, and create a visually appealing environment. On the other hand, poor colour choices can lead to a confusing or unpleasant user experience, resulting in high bounce rates and lost opportunities.

3. Emotional impact

Colours have the power to evoke emotions and create a certain mood or atmosphere. Different colours have different psychological associations. For example, blue is often associated with calmness and trust, while red can evoke excitement and urgency. By understanding the psychological impact of colours, you can strategically use them to elicit specific emotional responses from your website visitors.

Now that we understand the importance of website colour schemes, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of choosing the perfect colours for your business website.

Step 1: Understand your brand and target audience

Before you can start selecting colours, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your brand identity and target audience. Ask yourself:

  • What values and emotions does your brand represent?
  • Who is your target audience, and what are their preferences and expectations?
  • What is the overall tone and personality of your brand?

By having a solid understanding of your brand and target audience, you can select colours that align with your brand identity and resonate with your target customers.

Step 2: Familiarise yourself with colour theory

Colour theory is the foundation of effective colour selection. It helps you understand the relationships between different colours and how they interact with each other. Here are some key concepts to keep in mind:

The colour wheel

The colour wheel is a visual representation of the relationships between different colours. It consists of primary colours (red, blue, yellow), secondary colours (created by mixing primary colours), and tertiary colours (created by mixing primary and secondary colours).

Colour schemes

Colour schemes are harmonious combinations of colours that work well together. Some common colour schemes include:

  • Monochromatic: Using variations of a single hue for a subtle and cohesive look.
  • Complementary: Pairing colours that are opposite each other on the colour wheel for a high-contrast effect.
  • Analogous: Using colours that are adjacent to each other on the colour wheel for a harmonious and cohesive look.

Understanding different colour schemes will help you create a visually pleasing and balanced website colour palette.

Step 3: Consider colour psychology

Colour psychology explores the emotional and psychological impact of colours. Different colours evoke different feelings and moods. Here are some common colour associations:

  • Red: Passion, power, urgency
  • Blue: Trust, calmness, professionalism
  • Green: Nature, growth, harmony
  • Yellow: Happiness, optimism, energy
  • Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, warmth
  • Purple: Luxury, creativity, spirituality

Consider the emotions and associations you want to evoke in your website visitors and choose colours that align with your desired brand perception.

Step 4: Choose your primary colour

The primary colour is the dominant colour in your website colour scheme. It should reflect your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. Consider your brand values, target audience preferences, and the emotions you want to evoke.

Use colour psychology as a guide to select a primary colour that aligns with your brand and communicates your desired message.

Step 5: Select complementary and accent colours

Once you have chosen your primary colour, it’s time to select complementary and accent colours that enhance your colour scheme. Complementary colours are those that are opposite your primary colour on the colour wheel. They create a high-contrast effect and can be used to draw attention to specific elements on your website.

Accent colours, on the other hand, are colours that complement your primary colour and add visual interest. They can be used sparingly to highlight important elements or create visual hierarchy.

Step 6: Consider colour accessibility

Accessibility should be a priority when choosing your website colour scheme. Ensure that the colours you choose provide sufficient contrast for easy readability, especially for text elements. Consider users with visual impairments and make sure your colour choices meet accessibility standards.

Step 7: Test and iterate

Once you have chosen your colour scheme, it’s important to test it on different devices and screen resolutions to ensure it looks consistent and visually appealing. Pay attention to how your colours interact with different backgrounds and consider how they may appear to colour-blind users. Iterate and make adjustments as necessary to create the best possible user experience.

Step 8: Implement and monitor

Now that you have your final colour scheme, it’s time to implement it on your website. Ensure consistency across all pages and elements, and regularly monitor user feedback and analytics to gauge the effectiveness of your colour choices. Make data-driven adjustments if needed to optimize the user experience.


Choosing the perfect website colour scheme requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. So go ahead, unleash the power of colours and create a website that truly represents your brand and captivates your audience.

Ready to transform your website with the perfect colour scheme? Contact our expert web designers today and let us help you create a visually stunning online presence!