What happens when you combine engineers with web designers?

Sometimes, a mismatch of ideas that leave the finished product feeling a bit like a platypus. Yes, a platypus. That duck-billed denizen of the Australian continent that’s half bird, half mammal and all strange.

CASE STUDY:#97COMPANY:Idax SoftwareDATE:2015DELIVERABLES:Design, Development, Support & Maintenance

When the engineers at Idax Software first approached us in need of a new mobile-friendly website, we could have gone the platypus route. After all, sometimes it’s a challenge for engineers and artists to come together in harmony. Idax, which provides identity analytics software worldwide, had a plethora of information to convey to their customers.

Our team at Metal Potato, on the other hand usually shoots for a less-is-more approach to design. The styles could have clashed. But that’s not what happened.

Rather than focusing on our differences, the Potato Patrol played to the strengths of Idax Software—a clean, analytics-driven approach to business—and our own brand—responsive, eye-catching web design.

The result was a website that incorporated a healthy blend of web design strategy from our team with the business savvy of Idax Software.


I needed a designer who could speak in plain English. A colleague referred me to Metal Potato and I have used them on several projects. They have always managed to build a website on-time and in-budget with the functionality, look and feel that I wanted.
Elly Butler — Project Lead, Idax Software